Casale la Quercia
Casale La Quercia
località le Valli, Cura di Vetralla (VT)
Soriano nel Cimino
Situated on the slopes of Monte Cimino, Soriano nel Cimino is a small town surrounded by rich forests of chestnut, beech and oak trees. In the immediate proximity, we find the Faggeta, the highest peak in Tuscia Viterbese, which is 1050 m tall.. It is about 5 km from the town and its peak can be easily reached via a convenient and very scenic road.
From a monumental point of view, the Orsini Castle is certainly of great importance. Its original construction dates back to the 13th century at the order of Pope Nicholas III Orsini. Over the centuries it was modified several times and now, it retains its linear and majestic appearance typical of a castle of the time. The most important events are the Chestnut Festival (October) and the Feast of Saint Eutizio (May).
(30 min from Casale la Quercia)